Spruce Meadows Ensures Sustainable Water Usage Amid Calgary Water Restrictions

June 07, 2024

Calgary, AB – [June 7, 2024] - Spruce Meadows is acutely aware of the current water situation and related restrictions in and around the City of Calgary. As we host our annual Summer Series, we are committed to adhering to all water usage guidelines while ensuring the welfare of our equine athletes and the smooth running of our event.

Over the next five weeks, Spruce Meadows will welcome nearly 800 horses from 20 nations. To support this influx, we rely on our long-established internal water supply system, which is sustained by a series of wells and collection reservoirs located throughout our property. This self-sufficient system enables us to meet the venue’s water needs independently, prioritizing the welfare of the horses without imposing additional demands on the municipal water supply.

While Spruce Meadows does have access to City of Calgary water, we are fully respecting the current restrictions and are committed to minimizing our use of this resource during the ongoing water situation. Our proactive measures ensure that we contribute to the conservation efforts while maintaining the high standards of care for our participants.

Spruce Meadows remains dedicated to responsible and sustainable practices, aligning with community efforts to manage water resources effectively.